Worst Cars Of All Time

We all have those moments when you look out your car window and see cars that just make you wonder �How did that ever get to the showroom?� well, to make a long story short, it usually happens when a car maker is new to a segment, like the first time Pontiac made a cross-over, it turned out to be one of the worst cars ever to be produced. Although another reason for the creation of amazingly bad cars is a rushed production. So find out what caused the worst automobile disasters in this list.

10.  1957 Trabant


Most likely one of the worst two-cylinder engines ever produced, bumpy ride, even the slightest hills put this car to a halt, and to make it worse, East Germany forced you to buy the car.
9. 2007 Jeep Compass

If I could describe this car in one word it would probably be �weak� and that is exactly what it is. With an underpowered engine that only makes a mere 158-hp. The engine is not the only thing that is weak in this car, the styling needed a serious kick in the pants. 

8. 1977 Dodge Charger

While the 1st generation charger was, and still is considered one of the best looking cars of all time, by the late 70�s, Chrysler had already ruined any future potential. Extremely underpowered, and it looked like a brick, drove like one to.

7. 1997 Daewoo Nubira

Most likely the most boring car of all time. Looked boring, sounded boring, interior was boring, and all of the boring killed Daewoo's chances of making any ground in the US.

6. 1986 Suzuki Samurai

Although this little SUV was slow and underpowered, sharp turns at 20-mph could mean a nasty rollover. Not a recommended car for the back roads, in fact, it�s not that good on any roads.

5. 1970 AMC Gremlin 

With oldly proportioned style, this car was doomed to fail as soon as it hit show room floors. Other than strange styling, it carried a heavy six-cylinder engine that made it nose heavy, ruining any chances of fun being made it this car.
4. 2007 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx SS

Looks like a wagon? So it must have plenty of room for all of my stuff right? Wrong, cramped back seat, and not nearly as much room as you would expect from a wagon. The 4-speed transmission is one of the worst slush boxes in modern car history. Whats worse than all of this, is that it came packaged in one of the worse designs in history, not worthy of the SS name.

3. 1974 Ford Mustang

Its pretty much just a dressed up Pinto that didn�t explode, underpowered and unreliable, a slap in the face for Mustang fans. A worthy successor to the 1st generation Mustang would not arrive until the 80�s with the Fox Body.
2. 2003 Saturn lon

Slapped together with super glue and cheep craftsmanship. The only good thing about this car was the exterior, and that is nothing to be proud of. While you might have thought the exterior was OK, that all ended when you stepped into the interior, which was a sea of plastic and cheep materials.

1.  ????

So what is the worse car of all time? Help us decide in the comments!

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