Audi has launched the eagerly awaited all-new A6 saloon in India. Prices of the new saloon starts from Rs 37.7 lakh for the base 2-litre diesel variant, rising up to Rs 47 lakh for the 3-litre petrol variant (ex-showroom Delhi). The all-new A6 is offered with four engine options. The base model gets a 2.0-litre turbo-diesel which puts out 175bhp and a 3.0-litre TDI churning out 242bhp. The two petrol motors are 2.8-litre FSI and 3.0-litre supercharged TFSI, developing 201bhp and 296bhp respectively. The new Audi A6�s lavish interior is an appealing mix of curves and lines with great detailing and the wraparound dashboard looks terrific. The top-end A6 gets the Quattro four-wheel drive system and Audi�s seven-speed, S-tronic dual-clutch automatic gearbox. Audi is expecting to clock big numbers with its base diesel model as the base variants are a preferred choice among luxury car buyers who want to go in for a higher segment model but are also looking for affordability and low running costs. This is evident from the sales of the BMW 5-series where a major chunk of the numbers comes from the base 520d. Audi will hope to emulate this success with its entry level 2.0 TDI. The new A6 2.0 TDI carries a price tag of Rs 37.7 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi), the 2.8 FSi is priced at Rs 39.9 lakh and the top-of-the-line 3.0 TFSI and 3.0 TDI are priced similarly at Rs 47 lakh and 46.95 lakh respectively. This has placed the A6 on par with its rivals.
1:20 PM
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Audi Launches All-New A6 Saloon
Audi has launched the eagerly awaited all-new A6 saloon in India. Prices of the new saloon starts from Rs 37.7 lakh for the base 2-litre diesel variant, rising up to Rs 47 lakh for the 3-litre petrol variant (ex-showroom Delhi). The all-new A6 is offered with four engine options. The base model gets a 2.0-litre turbo-diesel which puts out 175bhp and a 3.0-litre TDI churning out 242bhp. The two petrol motors are 2.8-litre FSI and 3.0-litre supercharged TFSI, developing 201bhp and 296bhp respectively. The new Audi A6�s lavish interior is an appealing mix of curves and lines with great detailing and the wraparound dashboard looks terrific. The top-end A6 gets the Quattro four-wheel drive system and Audi�s seven-speed, S-tronic dual-clutch automatic gearbox. Audi is expecting to clock big numbers with its base diesel model as the base variants are a preferred choice among luxury car buyers who want to go in for a higher segment model but are also looking for affordability and low running costs. This is evident from the sales of the BMW 5-series where a major chunk of the numbers comes from the base 520d. Audi will hope to emulate this success with its entry level 2.0 TDI. The new A6 2.0 TDI carries a price tag of Rs 37.7 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi), the 2.8 FSi is priced at Rs 39.9 lakh and the top-of-the-line 3.0 TFSI and 3.0 TDI are priced similarly at Rs 47 lakh and 46.95 lakh respectively. This has placed the A6 on par with its rivals.
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