Subaru BRZ

The 2013 Subaru BRZ is a dream come true for sport car fans, lightweight  rear-wheel drive, small, fast, and good looking. The two-way branch with Scion almost seemed to good to be true, with funky, fresh looks from the youth orientated Scoin, and the classic 200 horsepower Boxer engine, which is enough to throw it into a corner and enjoy the view sideways. but is it really as good as it seems? light, fast, and most important, affordable  I will go over what makes this a great car, and i might go over some not-so-great things about this car to.

First things first, the engine. For the brand new BRZ Subaru supplied the 200 horsepower engine, it is good for around 155lb of tourq, and a 0-60 time of 7.3 seconds. which is enough to have fun, but the real thrill seekers might want to wait a little bit, because Subaru has announced that a turbo option will be available later this year, but if you can not wait, there are plenty of turbo options to upgrade that naturally aspirated engine into a 260 horsepower tire spinning machine. but the stock engine is great, gives out a fun, and perky note, good gas mileage, and a decent power that will make you smile.
One of the big down-falls for the car is the interior  there different in both cars, the Scoins interior is so ugly and outdated that i feel its not even worth mentioning, although the Subaru interior is a little bit better, with a radio that is nicely placed, and easy-to-use buttons  this is not a bad interior, with the Subaru racing seats, red stitching  and sporty shiftier, its meant to be driven in, and is far better than the Scions interior, but it wouldn't take much to beat the Scions interior.

Now one of the biggest reasons you're going to buy a car are the looks. while there are many great sports cars out on the market right now, there are a few that turns heads, for the wrong reasons (G37, Acura TL) They all have good intentions, but some times, they fail, and sale will show. but what about the BRZ? to me, looks like a very, youth orientated designed car, but that does that mean a 40-year old will not unjoy the styling, in fact, i love the looks. during testing, I stopped at a gas station, and the man across from my pump asked "hey, is that the new Porsche or something? " well, he probably is not a car guy, but it shows that this car looks more like a 50k car, not a car that you can pick up at your local dealer for less than 30k.

On the road this car feels like a dream, sporty, fast, and super fun! it almost feels like a 200 horsepower Mini Cooper, glued to the road at all times. though the handling is above par, is could be better, allot better, for starters, the tires are absolute crap, seriously,  terrible tires, but i do think that the masterminds at Subaru did this for a reason, because the only time I really need good tires is when im going law-breaking speeds, but most of the time, i'm driving to the store to pick up some eggs, so while high quality tires might help you stick to the road, the cheap tires that come stock on the BRZ are a allot more fun, because sometimes when something is to good, it turns out to be bad.

after my stay with this car was over i was sad, although I love driving my 450 horsepower Mustang, somehow I managed to have allot more fun in a car that has nearly half the horsepower, but the way this car handles just puts a smile on your face. The ease of putting this car into a drift surprising  and there is not much i do not like about this car, an extra 70 horsepower would be nice, but Subaru already has plans for that.
at the end of the day, you might pay an extra $2500 for the Subaru, but you get a ton of stuff, navigation, STI racing seats, and most important, at the end of the day, you're driving a Subaru.


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