FAQ About Me

as many of you already know, I have recently hit over 100k views on my Teen Car Guy blog. So I�m making this for all of the people who want to know how I make my articles and other things that go into making the Teen Car Guy webpage.

How did you get the idea?

One morning, I came downstairs to get some breakfast before school, it had been a particularly late night because I had been working on a essay that was due today, In my school, there are many essay competitions, and I usually win those. I have always been a great writer, and I�m currently trying to become a grant writer for a non-profit in NC. But writing about how a plant grows, or the dangers of dugs, I wanted to write about cars! Since the day I was born, I have always been a car fanatic, so starting a blog that was about car reviews seemed appropriate.

How Fast Did You Grow?

To give you an idea on how fast this took off, my first month of blogging, December 2012, I obtained 451 page views for the month, fast forward to April 2013, I currently have over 65,000 views for the month, and there's still five days left in April. I never expected it to take off so fast, it�s crazy. February I had around 2000 views, and then march comes along and a achieve 40,000, its great.

What's Your Most Popular Article?

Right this very second it is the Top 10 Cars Under 20k, and that post has a little over 7k views. Strange thing it, my very first post is in close second with a 6400 views. 

How Long Does It Take To Write An Article?  

Most of the time, for my lists, it takes around a week to write, while my reviews only take 2-3 days. Although I�m such a bad speller that I sometimes have to take an hour just to spell check.

What's your dream car?

Right now it has to be the Boss 302, that car is so bad to the bone. 444hp and an array of modifications to make it an absolute beast on the track, make it a top car for me.

What do you want your first car to be?

Realistically, I think a Mini Cooper S would be a great car, that turbo just sounds so good, and I grew up around Minis which I�ll get to that latter, But a Porsche 944 wouldn't be all that bad either, who doesn't like  pop-up headlights!

What got you started on cars?

 Way back in the year 2002, my father bought one of the very first Mini Coopers in the United States (cool right?) And I instantly became in love with the Mini culture. In 2005, after we had done many modifications to the car, and started a Mini Cooper graphics company (Cooper Flags) it was time to move to the freezing cold state of Michigan, which meant the Mini was to be sold. Fast forward to 2012 and we had found a 1974 Austin Mini Cooper for sale, right in our town, so we bought it, although we only kept it for the summer, It was a heck of a car.

What's next?

What can you expect from Teen Car Guy in the next few months, first off, my new Wordpress website (which looks much cleaner than Blogger, although the page only receives 1\10 of the views on my blogger site) YouTube Channel
 is going to start soon (June) with reviews on new, used cars, as well as first drives and tips. But most of all, expect some great posts that are written by just an ordinary car teen.


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