Dear MotherIt has probably come to your attention that my brother and I have not quite agreed on the topics of this current war we are in. We disagreed on our thoughts on politics, so we parted our ways, in a matter, we separated to far from each other. I became blinded by hate and stubbornness. I soon after the event I recently encountered, I realized that my vision was suborn, and foolish, I neglected to see the other point of view that he started fighting for, and not too long after I joined my part in the war� I forgot mine. This fatal mistake...
11:24 PM
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Best Cars For Autocross

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the Teen Car Guy is back! Let�s not get carried away now in excitement shall we. I am here today to talk about the joys of autocross. I myself am just starting to get into the sport and now have a great interest for it and can't wait to get started, although I should give you some buying tips. When looking for a car, try and find a salvage vehicle, they tend to be less expensive and you might end up wrecking this car anyway....
7:57 AM
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Top 10 Cars Under 100k

Chances are, you don�t have a spare 100k lying around the house, but you would like to know what your options are in the future? Look no further than this article, although I must go though some rules on buying an exotic car. First off, never buy a super car straight off the dealer floor new, your $248,000 Ferrari 458 turns into a $235,000 car that very instant, and the first 10,000 miles might cost you more than $20,000 in deprecation. ...