Letter to mum

Dear Mother
It has probably come to your attention that my brother and I have not quite agreed on the topics of this current war we are in. We disagreed on our thoughts on politics, so we parted our ways, in a matter, we separated to far from each other. I became blinded by hate and stubbornness. I soon after the event I recently encountered, I realized that my vision was suborn, and foolish, I neglected to see the other point of view that he started fighting for, and not too long after I joined my part in the war� I forgot mine. This fatal mistake will cost our family greatly. 
I am sorry to inform you that your son has died by the hands of myself. That is currently all I am willing to say to you in the matter of communication. I hope to talk to you about this mournful event when I see you, when that is, I am unsure.
Yours, Mason Jenkins


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