The design of this car had been realised by Julian Bumbu and it represents the future car designs. This car�s rival seems to be Audi R8 because of the similar aspect. It looks to be a very low, aerodynamic and long car so it can reach high speeds. Julian Bumbu applied some skills learned at a Milanese automotive design program to a BMW etude.

I read that this car can be build and opened to the public. The front and rear side is similar to the new 2010 5 Series excepting the sport aspect and the fact that it has two doors. This concept is made 100% by Iulian and it represents the future sport car.
If you look for my opinion, this car is awesome. I think those lines are making this car to have a very futuristic aspect and they make this car to be very aerodynamic but at the moment this car remains fiction.
If you look for my opinion, this car is awesome. I think those lines are making this car to have a very futuristic aspect and they make this car to be very aerodynamic but at the moment this car remains fiction.
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