Ever since our latest redesigns (5.0 & 5.1), we�ve been toying around with the idea of replacing our comments system, and now, after some late night research and beta testing, we decided to give Disqus a try on Carscoop.
For those of you unfamiliar with Disqus, it is a popular commenting platform for websites that provides readers with a variety of options for commenting and participating in conversations in a more active way. Other sites currently using Disqus include Time Magazine, CNN, Engadget and the UK�s Daily Telegraph.
Among other features, readers can spiff up their posts with videos and photos, reply to other comments directly, rate and flag users, have their own avatar (no, we�re not giving away blue-hued bomb shells from the planet Pandora) and some more.
We�ve opted to allow you to comment either as a guest by providing an email and a name or nickname, or if you prefer, by using your account on Disqus, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or OpenID.
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